MISA Regional Governing Council chairperson
Simphiwe Mdlalose (centre) hands over the Journalist
of the Year award to The Namibian journalist, Werner
Menges, at the first ever Namibia Media Awards,
hosted by MISA Namibia in November 2003

Namibia launched its media awards that were embraced by all media in the country including state-owned
media. The awards were given out to media practitioners in November 2003. The event was well-attended
and recipients were both from private and state-owned media.
At the regional level, MISA continued with its John Manyarara Investigative Journalism award given
around May 3 every year since 2000.

7.4.2 Training activities
Even though it was agreed that MISA would not focus on training per se, some training has had to be
undertaken by the organization in attempts to help its members and partners in understanding and advancing
MISA’s advocacy work.
In Malawi, NAMISA organised a number of training courses for journalists, especially in elections
reporting. Five journalists and editors from Malawi attended regional elections reporting workshops in
South Africa.
NAMISA in conjunction with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation and USAID ran a series of elections
reporting workshops in the run up the elections held in May 2004.
MISA-Tanzania in conjunction with Friedrich Neumann Foundation (FNF) and the Institute of Multiparty
Democracy (IMD) held a training seminar to enhance relations between media and political parties in the
country. In this event, 20 publicity officers from various political parties were trained on how to engage
with the media as both media and politicians need each other. The event was culminated by the provision of
certificates to candidates who attended the five days training.
MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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