7.2.1 National activities
As a springboard MISA Botswana launched its campaign for a self-regulatory mechanism and media
council on the basis that the local media should be professional and accountable to the citizens of Botswana
whom they had undertaken to inform and educate. A number of projects were implemented with the aim of
creating and support ing a media that does its work not only freely, but also responsibly. It is no doubt that
the existence of the Press Council of Botswana – registered approximately 18 months ago - was
spearheaded by the MISA Botswana in its efforts to establish an independent, responsible body to
adjudicate over media issues. After assisting in facilitating the establishment of the Press Council, the
chapter continued to assist the Press Council to find its feet and to operationalise its committees. This
process will soon be concluded when the Press Council facilitate s the operation of the Complaints and
Appeals Committees.
The process has not been as smooth as one would have wanted it to be. The recent successes are preceded
by years of intense advocacy and lobbying. At present the Press Council if facing serious resource
constraints. The Press Council has however made tentative steps towards asserting its role in the media
industry. It will shortly conclude a vastly negotiated code of conduct for the media and oversee the
appointment of both the Complaints and Appeals Committees. The Press Council has an opportunity to
place Botswana onto the regional map and become an example of a ‘best practice model’ once it
implements the ideals as set out in its Deed of Trust.

In the Lesotho the campaign focused on the promotion of professionalism through an accepted Code of
Ethics for the media and the establishment of a Media Council. Although the emphasis was on galvanising
support from media institutions and journalists, the chapter mobilised the full backing of the government,
including budgetary assistance to ensure that the Media Council can function and successfully discharge its

As a continuing activity, MISA Malawi is engaged in activities to revive the moribund Media Council.

MISA Mozambique has embarked on facilitating a process where the local media drafts and agrees on a
code of ethics. Mozambique presently has a statutory regulatory mechanism which has not acted to the
advantage of media or in the protection of media freedom. Thus, the media has felt the need to develop a
system that they themselves would enforce outside the statutory system. A draft code of ethics has thus far
been developed and wide-ranging consultation is taking place with editors and journalists country-wide.
MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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