
Programme D:

Media Accountability & Professionalism

From left: Richard Delate, UNAIDS, Namibia’s David Lush and the late Benton Bango, a journalist
from Mozambique, addressing the MISA 2003 conference in Dares-Salaam. Photo: CourtesyTBIN

Our profession allows us – some may say requires us – to distance
outselves from a subject for the sake of objectivity, not matter how
involved we are personally. But to what extent do we use this as an excuse
to avoid addressing a sensitive issue like HIV and AIDS in our own lives
… If 20-30 percent of people in southern Africa are HIV-positive, as is
the case in most SADC coutnries, then it is likely that
a significate number of the region’s
media workers are HIV-positive too.


David Lush

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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