The Regional Director, accompanied by Regional Programme Manager: Broadcasting, attended a
half a day workshop for civil society, politicians and media practitioners in Luanda in March
2004. The workshop was organised to launch the MISA ”Open the Waves” campaign and was
used to impress on the participants on the need for reforming the existing Broadcasting Act to
transform the state broadcasting services, both radio and television, into public service
broadcasters. The workshop also noted that transformation would call for opening of the waves to
allow for the three tier system of broadcasting, including the operations of community and
commercial broadcasters.
Initial meetings were conducted with Radio Ecclesia in Angola to look into introducing a live
phone in programme to create awareness and campaign for transformation of state broadcasting
services and also the provision for community and commercial broadcast services.


National Activities

6.9.1 Botswana
MISA Botswana is engaged with the National Broadcasting Board (NBB) to develop a
broadcasting policy and operational regulations for the industry. To date the NBB has produced
draft papers through a transparent and consultative process. It is also pleasing to note that many
suggestions for a user friendly policy and regulations have been drafted for Parliament’s
approval. MISA Botswana however is concerned that this process is very time consuming and
continues to impress on the relevant bodies to expedite the process. In addition, the chapter is
monitoring the government’s recent interest towards combining the regulatory agencies currently
dealing with Broadcasting and Telecommunications into a single body. Whilst MISA Botswana
takes note of the convergence inherent in these two fields it is hoped that it shall not be used as a
delaying tactic by government on NBB policy implementation.
MISA Botswana is rolling out its ‘Right to Communicate’ campaign through in an effort to
empower Batswana to demand information as an alienable human right. As a starting point the
chapter is targeting community broadcasting as one method of citizen empowerment. Through
running trainer-of-trainer workshops for a multiplier effect, the chapter plans to provide skills
development in this new and very vulnerable sector. To equip the chapter with the skills to
conduct such training two MISA Botswana staff took a fact finding trip to Zambia to view its
efforts on the operations of community radios.
The chapter has run several workshops using the MISA Advocacy Tool Kit to prepare those who
are waiting to be awarded community radio licenses. It is worrying that as of now Botswana does
not have one single community radio broadcasting operator, especially as the country is heading
for elections later in 2004. It is in this vein that the chapter continues to pressurize the NBB to
issue licenses as soon as possible.
As a Chapter, MISA Botswana is interacting with other organisations on the provisions of the
African Charter on Broadcasting and the African Charter on Peoples and Human Rights. MISA
Botswana is pleased that the African Commission of Human and Peoples’ Rights has elaborated
on Article 9 of the Charter and is busy seeing to the publicizing of its provision through citizen
forum and NGO workshops. MISA Botswana will assist in this direction and continue to give it

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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