Regional Programme Goal
Establishment of a region where there are no media freedom violations and the media operates freely without political,
commercial and economic interference
• Time-efficient and effective identification, analysis and exposure of each violation of media freedom and right to
information in the 11 SADC countries (5.2)
Regional Programme
• Civil society, policy-makers, national, regional and international organizations galvanized to fight for media freedom in
Southern Africa (5.2.)
• SADC Journalists under Fire campaign objective: To expose the persecution of journalists in the SADC region, provide
practical support to victims and advocate for an enabling environment for media freedom and freedom of expression
1. To pilot a media freedom monitoring
workshop in order to increase network
of media freedom monitors
(Mpumalanga / Kwa-Zulu Natal).

1.1 Research workshop on media
freedom monitoring.
1.2 Identify key stakeholders and
1.3 Plan and prepare for workshops.
1.4 Hold workshop.
1.5 Prepare workshop report.

We did not hold the pilot workshop.

This project has been included in our
plans for the next period (project title:
establish advocacy hubs in Eastern Cape,
Mpumalanga, Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu
Natal for purpose of media freedom
monitoring and lobbying).

2. Mpumalanga Cabinet Lekgotla.

2.1 Make contact with members and
affiliates in Mpumalanga.
2.2 Make logistical arrangements.
2.3 Hold lekgotla.
3.1 Organise and host GMBS workshop.
3.2 Participate in SAGEM.
3.3 Concept proposal on review of
existing media legislation.
3.4 Advising on GEM monitoring and
alert system.

Mpumalanga Cabinet Legkotla did not
take place due to difficulties in coordinating schedule s with SANEF contact
• GMBS was successfully launched and
the workshop was successful.
• MISA -SA has been an active participant
• The concept proposal was sent to the
Gender and Chapter support coordinator at the Secretariat, no
response was received and the chapter
will have to raise external funds for this
• MISA -SA has been advising Genderlinks
on the roll-out of the GEM monitoring
and alert system.

This project has been moved forward to
late 2004 (as a result of provincial
cabinet changes post-election).

3.Gender and Media Baseline study
To create a more gender-sensitive media
environment through:
hosting the GMBS workshop
participating in SAGEM
reviewing existing legislation in
light of GMBS study
providing support and
assistance to the GEM
monitoring and alert system.

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


Whilst gender is an important component
of the work that MISA does, it has been
challenging to operationalise the
recommendations made at the GMBS
workshop, particularly in terms of
reviewing existing legislation as
substantial training and co-ordination
would be required as this project requires
specific gender and media analysis skills.

Select target paragraph3