Zimbabwe Advocacy Committees are becoming more active in identifying violations
pertaining to media freedom. The Media Monitoring Project of Zimbabwe (MMPZ) has
been involved in monitoring access to information rights violations and MISAZimbabwe is tapping into this.

5.5. Outreach
MISA undertook in 2003 to assist the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) with
infrastructural support to ensure that media freedom and freedom of expression violations
monitored by the MFWA receives maximum exposure.

File Photo:
A South African journalist protests in
front of the Liberian Embassy in
Pretoria, August 25, 2000, for the
release of compatriot television
cameraman Gugu Radebe, who along
with four of his colleagues, were
arrested the previous week on spy
charges. Former South African
President Nelson Mandela is among
key international figures that have
urged for the release of the journalists
Photo: Juda Ngwenya

This collaboration takes the form of joint MISA/MFWA alerts, issued by MISA on its alert
system. This would ensure international exposure of MFWA alerts, as they would then reach the
IFEX Action Alerts Network (ANN) of which MISA is a member while MFWA will seek
membership in 2004.
As a member of IFEX, MISA has resolved to participate in solidarity actions to further the cause
of media freedom and freedom of expression regionally and internationally. The support to
MFWA for their IFEX participation is further acknowledgement of MISA’s expertise in the area
of Media Freedom Monitoring.

5.6 Research
5.6 1. Regional
MISA regional secretariat commissioned a researcher to study and analyse the Action Alerts
issued by MISA over a three year period (2000-2002) in order to:
• identify journalists who are frequently victimised
• identify trends of media harassment
• propose strategies to counteract trends of harassment
• propose strategies of immediate support to journalists who are harassed

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


Select target paragraph3