The programme manager is also concerned that information officers have become national
implementing officers for all other programmes and as such do not spend sufficient time on
improving national media monitoring activities or on implementing the SADC Journalists Under
Fire campaign.
In order to further capacitate information officers, the regional secretariat recognises the need to
develop basic policy documents. Another attempt to standardise reporting methods is being
developed through an online web-based interface. The latter two activities will, however, only be
undertaken in 2004. Follow-up workshop: SADC Journalists Under Fire campaign
MISA undertook a
workshop to refine
a strategy for
effective and
systematic followup to MISA action
alerts in order to
effectively support
victims of media
violations in the
SADC region. This
workshop took
place in Cape Town
on May 16 and 17,
2003, directly after
the MISA
Information &
Advocacy officers’
workshop to ensure Participants at the follow-up SADC Journalists Under Fire workshop in Cape Town, South
Africa, May 16 and 17, 2003 discussing possible mechanisms for reducing media freedom
violations in the SADC region. Photo: Caroline Phiri-Lubwika
involvement of the
MISA staff. The event gave an opportunity to previous victims of media freedom violations to
relate their experiences and guide MISA in developing strategies of support to victims of media
freedom violations.
The workshop, more specifically, gave an opportunity to MISA Information and Advocacy
Officers to hear first-hand how they should respond to the needs of media freedom victims. The
information session ultimately gave rise to the SADC Journalists Under Fire project document
which was revealed at and endorsed by the 2003 MISA AGM.

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


Select target paragraph3