Regional Programme Goal
Establishment of a region where freedom of expression and the Right to Information are accepted as human rights
Regional Programme
Establishment of a region where freedom of expression and media freedom is practiced and guaranteed
1. Campaign to galvanise civil society
support for the ASK campaign for the
Lesotho Access And Receipt of
Information Bill

1. The ASK Campaign to adopt the draft
Access to Information Bill
1. The ASK Campaign to adopt the
Access to Information Bill

1. Campaign to reform NBC and
amendment of the NBC act.

1.1 Organized meetings and consultation
with civil society to support the FOI
1.2 Production of sensitization and
promotional material on ASK
1.3 Field marketing in peri-urban areas
1.4 Hold meeting on Defamation and
commission study.

• Held meeting at the Lesotho Press
club. Campaigns launched and media
coverage done.
• Promotional/sensitization material
produced as well as any other material
from regional secretariat
• Public response to all activities (phonein, physical visits to office, etc.)
• Field marketing report produced
• Defamation bill produced

The chapter had serious meeting with
the Ministry of Justice on the need to
revisit the process on the passing of the
Access and Receipt of Information Bill.
The ministry was requested to reproduce
the Bill for further consultation and
presentation to Parliament. MISA has
done publicity material on the Bill and the
campaign is ongoing

1.1 Organise meeting with government
to adopt the draft bill
1.2 Galvanise civil society to support the

• Held meeting with government

The campaign is on-going and the draft
bill will be submitted to parliament after
the inauguration of the new parliament

1.1 Organized public debate and solicit
inputs on the Draft Access to
Information Bill presented by MISA;
1.2 Do provincial consultations on the
draft Bill
1.3 Lobby MPs.

• Workshops in provinces held.
• Meetings with MPs held

1.1 Commission media law analysis on
the Namibia Broadcasting Act,
1.2 Participate in the drafting of the
Communication Act of Namibia Bill
1.3 Submit alternative proposal to the
draft Namibia Defence Bill

• Analysis and recommendations on the
NBC Act finalised and advocacy work
undertaken to amend the Act.
• Submit proposal on the CAN Bill to
ministry of broadcasting and
• Submit proposal on the Defence Bill to
parliament ary committee on Defence
and National Security. Participated in
the public hearings

The FOI process is Mozambique is fairly
at an advance stage. The regional
consultations have produced
recommendations that altered the
process a bit. A new drafting committee
was established and has produced a new
draft bill. International and regional legal
organisations like ART 19 and ODAC has
actively participated in the reviewing of
the draft Bill.
The NBC act is not yet amended and the
campaign to have it amended is ongoing.
The process to finalise the CAN bill, that
would define the regulatory system in
Namibian is still ongoing.
The Defence Bill has been passed into an
Act without MISA recommendations
being included. A campaign to review the
process is ongoing.

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


Select target paragraph3