persuade them to put pressure on the government of Zimbabwe to cease its repressive and
draconian action against the media. This ongoing campaign was taken further and presented to a
larger forum at the UNESCO conference in May 2003. MISA regional secretariat and its
Zimbabwe chapter have compiled numerous documents and appeals for presentation to the
African Commission on Human and People’s.

4.5 SADC Protocol on Culture, Information and Sport.
The SADC Protocol on Culture, Information and Sport was adopted by SADC governments in
2002. In relation to this MISA reviewed the protocol and found it wanting in a number of areas,
including registration and accreditation of journalists. In order to bolster this campaign MISA has
since commissioned a study to analyze the impact of the Protocol on media freedom. The study
was finalized in June 2003 and its finding submitted to the SADC secretariat and other
stakeholders. A number of discussions and presentations were delivered on the Protocol at
various workshops and seminars throughout the SADC region. A workshop is planned for mid2004 to further discuss the findings and the amendment of the Protocol after it has been ratified
and then open to amendments.

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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