The objectives in this area include:
Putting in place institutional structures
Supporting institutions to coordinate and monitor gender and media issues
Developing strong networks among institutions and organizations
Fundraising for gender and media advocacy work
* A detailed report of the country workshops is available.
At these workshops gender tool kits were distributed to media training institutions, ministries of
information, MISA Chapters and GEM Networks.

3.3 Summary of national activities
3.3.1 MISA Botswana Gender Activities
The Chapter is looking at ways of gender mainstreaming under Programme B. Part of MISA’s
campaign is to examine and root out as much as can be achieved, any gender inequalities within
the media. One of the strategies completed in this regard, related to a civil society gender in
media workshop on February 27, 2004 attended by 40 people, so as to share the results of the
GMBS and plan a way forward. The Chapter is currently doing a survey of Media Houses to
enquire on the existence of gender policies, if any. The Chapter hopes to start a national
movement on gender equality which will be pursued on a long term base.

Participants of the GMBS
workshop in Francistown

Two workshops, one in Gaborone and another in Francistown were more than 50 people attended
was organized by the Chapter. The general reaction was very supportive and enthusiastic besides
surprise on just how biased the GMBS was against women.
In Francistown there was quite a wide variety of stakeholders which included youth, women
organizations, church leaders, government and tribal leaders. The Chapter has now created a
network with all participants as allies for future gender activities. It was noted that the Botswana
report had run out and participants wanted personal copies to use in their own gender activities
and it is hoped that such copies will be re-printed and availed to Botswana.

3.3.2 MISA Lesotho Gender Activities

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


Select target paragraph3