The objectives of the National Gender and Media Action Planning Workshops were to:
Present and engage with the research findings of the national reports of the GMBS
Get commitments to specific action by national stakeholders
Forge and strengthen networks and alliances at the national level
Initiate the process of advocacy around the national findings
Devise national action plans with key outputs and areas of responsibility to be reported on
at a regional Gender and Media Summit in 2004.

Key Players
The following were identified
Media Houses ( decision makers and gate keepers)
Gender and Women’s organizations
Media Women’s organizations
Media regulatory bodies (Ministries of Information, Media councils, Media Advisory
MISA National Chapters
Gender Links representatives
Media training institutions
SADC GEM networking representatives
Strategic individual researchers/activists and lobbyists

Expected Outputs
The following outputs were expected:
Clear understanding and ownership of the research findings at national level
Clear outline of areas of potential intervention by stakeholders at national level
Concrete national plans of action for advocacy initiatives and activities with time frames
that will be reported on at a Gender Summit in 2004 (that is being planned and
organized by MISA and Gender Links). The Summit will act as an accountability forum for
the national action plans and will also be used as an opportunity for sharing best practices
on mainstreaming gender in the media
Clear points of inter-linkages between national partners, Gender Links and MISA
In all the workshops that took pla ce, MISA Chapters played a leading role as they organized for
the workshops and as reflected in the national action plans drawn up, the Chapters are to engage
in networking activities with the various organizations that took part in the workshops.
These workshops also created the opportunity for Editors whose papers and stations were
monitored, to respond to the findings, and for more dialogue and in-depth discussions on how to
achieve a more balanced and diverse representation of women in the media, as well as how to
increase women’s access to expression in the media.
A detailed report of the Chapter workshops is available electronically but efforts are being made
to have a user- friendly hard copy available that can be used in gender training sessions.

3.2 Summary of regional activities in national action plans

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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