7.1 Programme Objectives
Regional Staff
he implementation of MISA’s Strategic Partnership Programme (SPP) has improved during this second
year of the three-year plan as a result of staff gaining a better understanding of the process and MISA’s
shift to advocacy. Four new programme staff joined the Regional Secretariat during the period under
review such that by February 2004, all positions had been filled. But as happens with new staff, it takes some
time before they are assimilated and integrated into the organization. They have to learn the organizational
culture and values, which take some time, while they are also expected to understand and implement the
activities set out by their predecessors. In the case of the newly created post of Programme Manager: Media
Law and Policy, the manager had to start from scratch. After taking up the post in February 2004, she was able
to spend the whole month of March at Article 19 where she had the opportunity to assess their Law Programme.
This process was intended to assist her with the development of her own programme at MISA.


Human Resources Capacity Enhancement
As part of a continuing process of ensuring that MISA strengthens its governance structures and systems, a
seminar for the RGC members was held on July 26, 2003. The seminar provided an opportunity for the RGC
members to discuss their roles and responsibilities in the management of MISA and how these could be
undertaken to enhance the effectiveness of the organization. NGO best practices were discussed and participants
committed themselves to always act in the best interest of MISA, to advance its vision, mission and goals and to
uphold its values. The seminar also identified and agreed on the role and responsibilities of the Regional
Director and how these are differentiated from those of other members of the board.
A similar seminar was held in February 2004 for the MISA Zimbabwe NGC and staff. The same facilitator who
had conducted the RGC seminar was contracted to ensure that the same approach was used. There was,
however, a difference in the composition of the delegates as all MISA Zimbabwe staff attended the seminar
along with five NGC members and the MISA Regional Director.
Staff training continued with all programme staff attending an Advocacy Training course in Johannesburg in
June 2003. MISA’s Media Advocacy Toolkit was used during the training exercise. The one week training
course was also attended by staff of other NGO’s and Advocacy trainers interested in using the MISA
Advocacy toolkit to carry out such training in their respective countries.
Programme management and coordinating staff also attended a one week monitoring, evaluation and reporting
workshop in January 2004. This workshop which was organised for MISA staff only resulted in participants
coming up with the MISA reporting framework which is now being used throughout the organization. The
logframe that forms part of this report is a result of that workshop.
Governance meetings
The MISA RGC met 3 times and the Executive Committee and TFB on two occasions each during the period
under review as they continued to give policy direction and strategic vision for the organization. These meetings
discussed and agreed on the allocation of resources to the various programmes and also oversaw the financial
MISA Annual General Meeting
MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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