However, since the establishment of the self-regulatory body (OLPED) and the
National Union of Journalists in Ivory Coast, the phenomenon is being tackled
at all levels. Forums have been organised to analyse and address the issue. Certain
media outlets have also put in place internal solutions. RTI, considered as one
of the media outlets most affected by this phenomenon,
has hence improved the resources of its editorial teams to
...“there is a main
shield journalists from the per diem issue. In return, the
management is uncompromising with non-complying
briber: civil society, the

public in general”

Regarding the perception and the analysis of the corruption
phenomenon in the media, opinions are divided between the media professionals
on the one hand and civil society representatives on the other hand.
Some panel members mention factors such as the low level or even the absence of
salaries in certain media outlets. But for one of the journalists sitting on the panel,
“there is a main briber: civil society, the public in general”. The unjustified payment
of per diems has been established as a rule and is part of the habits of citizens
“they pay even when journalists do not ask them”. Event organisers act this way
to “position” their information in the media. Besides, some consider that “giving
to a journalist who is investigating on his own and is sensitive is not corruption”.
Professional associations of journalists appeal to civil society organisations to help
clean-up the media environment.
In this regard, the panel suggests that citizens contact the management of
newspapers whose journalists, in contempt of professional ethics and code of
conduct, are guilty of reprehensible practices. Certain examples cited by panel
members actually show that corruption is more often practised without the
knowledge and against the will of the management. Unacceptable actions
involving journalists must also be replaced by acceptable institutional support
(advertisements, equipment, etc...).

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.


Country meets many aspects of indicator but
progress may be too recent to judge.


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has
been doing so over time.

Average score: 			




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