
The media cover all events, topics, including the economy, culture, local and
investigative information.

Yes, despite specialization problems, a willingness is manifested to cover all domains in
order to provide information. The media are to be congratulated.
Individual marks:



Gender integration is promoted in terms of equal participation of the two sexes
(gender participation) in the production process.

This indicator is the object of an often rough debate due to its differently interpreted
formulation. For some, emphasis has to be placed on the integration of women, as
promotion is already an acquired experience. An in this regard, and as worded, number
indicators do not reflect the reality.
What is a fact, though, is that there are very few women in the media, even though there
is no legal restriction or limit. This fact also applies to other domains. Many of those who
are in a press environment rival professionally with their male colleagues! Female
colleagues on top of the hierarchy due to their competence don’t fight, but there are those
who do.
Today still, there are social thinkers who confine women to second roles. These examples
mentioned have been able to convince the panel that even if some men still continue to
consider them as “minors”, there are also many women who are unconscious of their true
status and their potential beyond the tradition assigned to them.
One should therefore nurture the integration of women in posts with a responsibility in
terms of their aptitude and capacity. Efforts are still to be undertaken on socio-cultural
level to allow for a change of mentality within the framework of a more effective gender

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