2.7 Independent local and regional information agencies collect and distribute information to all media. Analysis: The Malian Press and Publicity Agency (AMAP) is the only local agency covering the entire territory and making information available to users, in general. The same applies to the Pan-African Press Agency (Panapress) and other sub-regional agencies not such much in demand. Individual marks: 5-5-4-4-5-5-5-4-5-5 Average: 4.7 2.8 Media diversity is promoted, leading towards an appropriate competition regulation/legislation. Analysis: “In order to benefit from subsidies, the media organ must comply with the following conditions: (a) exist under company, co-operative, association, economic interest grouping or public press establishment status; (b) keep regular accounts and records with fiscal authorities; (c) respect the labour legislation, in particular, the registration of staff for social security; (d) have ensured the regular publication of the information organ or in the case of a radio or television set-up, the regular production of broadcasts during the last financial year.” (Article 7 of Decree no. 03-264/ P-RM of 7 July 2003 determining the conditions of eligibility, attribution and management of public aid to the press). At this stage, all press organs fall under the same criteria. Competition could have been healthier if the High Council of Communication (CSC) being responsible to play this role, had been operational. Individual marks: 3-3-3-3-2-4-3-2-3-3 Average: 2.9 35