African Media Barometer - MALI
Ségou Workshop, 2 - 4 June 2006

Sector 1
Freedom of expression, including media freedom, is effectively protected and promoted.

The freedom of expression, including media freedom, is guaranteed by the
constitution and protected by other laws.
In Mali, freedom of the press is one of the fundamental principles of a growing
democratic system based on the freedom of opinion and freedom of thought and
The Malian constitution formally guarantees the freedom of expression, including media
freedom. In its article 4 the constitution says “All persons are entitled to the freedom of
thought, conscience, religion, cult, opinion, expression and creation in respect of the
law.” “Freedom of the press is recognized and guaranteed. It is exercised in conditions set
the law. Equal access for all to the state media is assured by an independent organ whose
status is set by an organic law” (article 7) in accordance with the declaration of Human
and Citizens Rights of 26 August 1789 (French declaration) and in the African Charter of
Human and People’s Rights.
Also in article 11 of the Declaration of Human and Citizen’s Rights the text reads “The
free communication of thought and opinion is one of the most precious rights of Man: all
citizens may speak, write, print freely, instead of replying to the abuse of this freedom in
cases determined by law.”
The African Charter of Human and People’s Rights says the following: “Any person is
entitled to information. Any person has the right to express and circulate his/her opinion
within a legal and regulated framework.” (article 9)
In Mali, law no. 00-46/AN-RM of 7 July 2000 regulates the freedom of the press
and press offences.
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