Zambian journalists marching as they commemorated World Press Freedom Day 2023

In addition, the IBA wrote to Hot FM to
express concern about a discussion programme
featuring a former University of Zambia lecturer
Sishuwa Sishuwa.

In another case of media freedom violations,
the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA),
summoned KBN Television management for
implementing an idea of featuring presidential
hopefuls from different political parties on a
programme called the “Presidential News Desk”.

IBA said the authority was concerned about
Sishuwa’s assertions that “there is a growing
public perception that President Hichilema
appears to see himself primarily as leader of
Zambia’s one half of the country, mainly where
the UPND has been doing well electorally”. (12)


During the programme, presidential hopefuls
took turns to anchor the Friday news editions.
KBN Television was accused of having
breached the Standard Operation Procedure
clause for allowing politicians to anchor
news on the TV station.

In a positive development, the government
announced Statutory Instrument No. 67 of 2023,
where it zero rated customs duty of broadcast
equipment in the 2024 budget.

IBA also issued UNZA Radio with a two days’
ultimatum “to put adequate measures in place
to prevent guests from using what it termed as
derogatory language on air”.

This news was welcomed by various
stakeholders, who said the decision would help
stations acquire new equipment, which would
lead to the improved quality of broadcasting. (13)

Before that, the authority also cautioned the
radio station against allowing guests to use
unpalatable language on air after the guest
made some disparaging remarks against the
government. (11) This was worrying, as it forces
the station to practise self-censorship.

The policy will be in place until December 31,
2026 and is expected to stimulate technological
advancement and innovation within the
broadcasting sector, offering newly licensed and
existing broadcasting stations an opportunity to


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