issues requiring attention have been identified.
Media coverage is still mostly influenced
by events such as climate conferences and

The media house intends to pursue further
requests with SARS on the matter. Mechanisms
such as PAIA are important for holding the
powerful to account and for limiting regulatory
manoeuvres by the state and its entities in
hiding information that is otherwise in the
interest of not only the public, but the state
itself as highlighted by the successful COVID-19
vaccine contracts application by Health Justice

Climate change is still also treated as a beat,
instead of being incorporated as a cross-cutting
issue that impacts economics, health, agriculture
and other areas of development.
Dr Sithole’s study also revealed a reliance
on stories from foreign news networks and
he concludes that this might suggest that the
climate crisis is not of local concern.

SANEF notes that there have also been cases
where journalists were either refused access
to the courts or poorly treated, which infringes
on the freedom of the media and access to

The study makes several recommendations,
which include the training of climate journalists
and the sensitisation of media organisations to
improve reporting on the climate crisis.

The Council is also concerned about the
increasing complaints by the media that
government institutions are not responding to
media queries or providing useful information
when requested to comment despite this being
a constitutional obligation.

It is worth noting that the Daily Maverick
and Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism
have deliberately set up dedicated coverage of
climate change and sustainability.
The Daily Maverick has secured corporate
sponsorship to set up a team of journalists
specialising in this beat.

Limited and non-existent avenues for accessing
information, especially from public institutions,
present complications for effective, timely and
sufficient service delivery, especially in places
and times where it is needed the most.

Bhekisisa has been producing gendered
special reports on climate change that link this
phenomenon to physical and mental health. (12)

Climate change and justice

They have also begun to link climate change
to health challenges such as the prevalence
of pandemics and changes in diet resulting in
lifestyle diseases.

According to a recent study by Dr Enock Sithole
, the media coverage of climate change in
South Africa is on the increase, although several

1. Reporters Without Borders. South Africa. Reporters without Borders https://rsf.

7. Msimanga, M. J., Tshuma, L. A., Matsilele, T. & Jamil, S. Contending with Sexual

org/en/country/south-africa (2023).

Harassment: A Study of Southern African Female Journalists’ Experiences. Journal

2. Committee to Protect Journalists. South African court throws out urgent bid to

of Communication Inquiry, 0(0).

gag Media24 - Committee to Protect Journalists. Committee to Protect Journalists


8. Daniels, G. Glass Ceilings: cybermisogyny is a sign of unchecked sexism in media

dia24/ (2023).

and newsrooms. Agenda35, 123–135 (2021).

3. Ludolph, N. Floods, food and families: Why climate change makes eating well

9. Reuters Institute. Women and leadership in the news media 2024: Evidence from


12 markets | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. https://reutersinstitute.




4. Committee to Protect Journalists. South African court prohibits former pres-

10. Media Monitoring Africa, Campaign for Free Expression, South African National

ident’s private prosecution of journalist Karyn Maughan - Committee to Protect

Editors’ Forum, SOS Support Public Broadcasting Coalition & Press Council South


Africa. New Film and Publication Board regulations stifle free speech. https://www.


dents-private-prosecution-of-journalist-karyn-maughan/. (2023)

5. Media Defence. SLAPPs in South Africa: The Karyn Maughan Case - Media De-

tions-stifle-free-speech-and-must-be-withdrawn-immediately/ (2024).


11. Sithole, E. Climate change journalism in South Africa: noticeable improvements,


less than adequate. FOJO Media Institute Report. 10.15626/fojo.s.202301. (2023)

6. Global Witness. Violent and sexualised hate speech targeting women journalists

12. Daniels, G. We’re a world away from Black Wednesday 1977, but the powerful

approved for publication by social media platforms. https://www.globalwitness.

are still trying to shut up the media in 2023. Daily Maverick https://www.dailymav-



the-same/ (2023).



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