freedom in Section 36 (2), which states that ”the
press shall have the right to report and publish
freely within Malawi and abroad and to be
accorded the fullest possible facilities for access
to information”.

Party (MCP) and its alliance partner United
Transformation Movment (UTM) in Blantyre,
a commercial city in the southern part of the
As reported by the Committee to Protect
of Journalists (CPJ) “about 15 people in the
governing MCP regalia descended on Mzindiko
after he filmed a fistfight between MCP and UTM
supporters and demanded he delete his photos
and video.

Despite these constitutional provisions,
the state of media freedom and freedom of
expression in Malawi is under threat.
Malawi continued to drop in the annual
Reporters Without Borders’ World Press Freedom
Index from position 80 in 2022 (3) to 82 in 2023

When the journalist refused, they slapped
him, grabbed his crotch, stole his camera lens,
and deleted footage from his laptop and camera
memory card.” (7)

Though this was merely a slight drop, compared
with the ranking of 2021 when the country was
ranked 62, (5) it is a rude awakening.

subsequently issued separate apologies over
the incident. Minister Kunkuyu also visited
Times Group offices to apologise in person to

This report reflects on the state of media
freedom and freedom of expression in
Malawi in 2023 with a focus on the safety of
journalists, government/media relations, the
legal environment and the state of access to
information, among others.

The meeting took place at Times Group’s
head office, where newly-elected MISA-Malawi
National Governing Council (NGC) members
were in attendance. (8)

The report shows that practicing journalism in
Malawi is risky and dangerous and calls for more
awareness on the importance of media freedom
and freedom of expression in building a resilient
and democratic dispensation.

The CPJ in New York also issued a statement
condemning the attack.
“Authorities must ensure that those who
assaulted journalist Francis Mzindiko are arrested
and prosecuted, in order to send an unequivocal
message that violence against journalists will
not be condoned in Malawi. While apologies are
welcome, they cannot absolve those in authority
from acting swiftly and decisively,” said Angela
Quintal, CPJ’s Africa programme co-ordinator.

The report also calls for prosecution of
perpetrators of violence against journalists to
ensure a free, independent and pluralistic media
in the country.

Safety of journalists and
media freedom

In August, 2023, a sports journalist for
Kasupe Radio, Smart Chalika was assaulted
at a Super League of Malawi (SULOM) match
between Silver Strikers and Extreme FC at
Bingu National Stadium (BNS). (9)

Promotion of an independent media, free from
attacks against journalists, is fundamental for a
strong and vibrant democracy and the promotion
of a peaceful and inclusive society, with strong
and accountable institutions.

Head coach Hedrikus Pieter De Jong verbally
attacked journalists and supporters assaulted

In 2023, Malawi registered cases of arbitrary
arrests and harassment and assault of journalists
for merely doing their job.

In the first incident, De Jong verbally charged at
journalists in a post-match interview, describing
some of the questions they had asked him as

According to MISA Malawi, the country
registered eight cases in which over 10
journalists were attacked or assaulted. (6)

In a separate incident, Silver Strikers
supporters assaulted Chalika for taking pictures
of a scuffle between supporters of the two
teams. Police officers had to rescue Chalika
from the Silver Strikers’ supporters.

On May 17, a few days after Malawi joined
commemorations to mark World Press Freedom
Day, political party zealots attacked privatelyowned Times Group newspaper photojournalist
Francis Mzindiko, as he covered a fight between
supporters of the ruling Malawi Congress

MISA Malawi strongly condemned De Jong and
the supporters for assaulting journalists.


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