State of the media in Southern Africa - 2003
Two strategies will assist MISA in reaching its objectives outlined in its five programme areas.
These are respectively the strategies for Communication, Dissemination and Publications and
the Implementation and Monitoring. The first strategy recognises that an effective communication and information dissemination system is essential to an advocacy organisation. Furthermore, the fact that the organisation is spread across eleven countries requires an efficient
exchange of information to allow for frequent interaction.
The second strategy is concerned with the management of the Strategic Partnership Programme
for 2002 to 2005. This includes systematic planning and monitoring, a transparent and accountable financial system, new criteria for budget allocations, a dynamic and cohesive organisation and strong governance structures. It also underlines that gender sensitivity and
networking efforts permeate all five of MISA’s programme areas.



ISA has received funding from many donors over the years with its major source
being Danida, Sida, Norad, Hivos, USAID, EU, Open Society Foundation, Heinrich
Böll Stiftung, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Netherlands Institute for Southern Africa and
Communication Assistance Foundation.

So This Is Democracy? 2003


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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