State of the media in Southern Africa - 2003

Minister of Information and Publicity
Professor Jonathan Moyo
Office of The President
Munhumutapa Building
P O Box 777, Causeway, Harare
Phone: +263 4 703 891-4/706 894, 707 091/7, 707 098
Fax: +263 4 708 820, +263 4 79 04 02

Press Statement
November 7, 2003
Statement by Zimbabwean civil society and media organisations
‘Let the People Speak’
Effective Civil Society Lobbying for Zimbabwe Workshop
Harare October 30-31, 2003


t a landmark solidarity meeting in Harare on 30-31 October, Zimbabwean, African and
international human rights organizations pledged to alert Africa and the SADC region to
the full extent of the Zimbabwe Government’s continued gross human rights abuses and its
relentless persecution of the media. The group agreed to launch a vigorous and coordinated
campaign to petition fellow Africans and the international community about the oppression of
the Zimbabwean people.
The meeting agreed the time had come for African governments to recognise th reality of
tyranny in Zimbabwe and to move away from the diplomatic paralysis over the worsening
human rights crisis in the country.
The immediate focus of this campaign will be the upcoming meeting of the African Commission in The Gambia and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Abuja, Nigeria.
Among those joining the Zimbabwean media and human rights groups were representatives
from organizations such as Journalistes en Danger (JED), Media Rights Agenda, West African
Media Foundation, COSATU, Amnesty International, Article XIX, the International Bar Association, Zimbabwe Watch and the International Media Support group.
Issued by:

Media Monitoring Project Zimbabwe
15 Duthie Avenue, Alexandra Park, Harare,
Tel: 00 (263 4) 703702
Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA)-Zimbabwe
84 McChlery Drive, Eastlea, Harare
Tel and fax: 00 (263 4) 776165

So This Is Democracy? 2003


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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