State of the media in Southern Africa - 2003
Letter of Appeal
November 14, 2003
TOPIC: Call for public demonstration against human rights and media freedom violations in Zimbabwe


he Regional Secretariat of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) and its Namibian
chapter (MISA Namibia) supports the call of the coalition of Human Rights organisations
to join in a public demonstration against the ongoing human rights violations in Zimbabwe.
MISA reiterates this urgent call to action to all media workers in Namibia to use this opportunity to show solidarity with their counterparts in Zimbabwe.
The coalition, led by the Namibia Society for Human Rights (NSHR), intends to use the opportunity of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe’s current visit to Namibia, to express its
condemnation of that government’s ongoing practice of violating the basic human rights of its
citizens. Furthermore the protest action, according to the coalition, is also intended to question
the Namibian government’s deafening silence on the issue.
MISA, a regional organisation committed to the promotion of media freedom and freedom of
expression, will therefore use this opportunity to reiterate its objection against the enactment
of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA), the Public Order and
Security Act (POSA) which makes it virtually impossible for free and independent media to
operate in Zimbabwe and for Zimbabweans to freely associate and express themselves.
MISA therefore calls on all media practitioners to join it, along with the Human Rights coalition, students, workers and concerned Namibians, to:
• protest the silence of the Namibian government on the ongoing reports of
human rights violations committed by Zimbabwean Government;
• sign a petition against the ongoing human rights and media freedom abuses
and violations in Zimbabwe, for presentation to the Zimbabwean High
Commission, Namibia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the SADC Secretariat Botswana, the SADC Parliamentary Forum and the Nepad Secretariat in South Africa. MISA further intends to raise the concerns of Namibians
at the upcoming People’s Forum which runs alongside the Commonwealth
Head of Government meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, in December.

Date: Saturday, November 15, 2003
Venue: Zoo Park, Independence Avenue
Time: 10h00


ll protestors are kindly requested to bring placards displaying bold messages of solidarity
with the citizens of Zimbabwe. The protest action will be accompanied by a press conference, at which members of the Human Rights coalition and MISA will make public statements
on the ongoing human rights and media freedom violations in Zimbabwe. A press conference
is scheduled at the same venue for 11h00 and all media organisations are kindly invited to

MISA Namibia
Carmen Cupido
Cell: 081 272 9764

So This Is Democracy? 2003

MISA Regional Secretariat
Zoé Titus
Cell: 081 128 3919

Media Institute of Southern Africa

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