Five of the institutions analysed qualify as frank and accessible
in 2017; these include the Malawi Electoral Commission, Blantyre
City Council, the Malawi Revenue Authority, the Ministry of Local
Government and Rural Development and the Malawi Energy
Regulatory Authority. All these institutions scored above 20 for
both the website and information requests.
Overall, the results of the 2017 study show a great improvement
in the way public bodies manage and provide information to the
public. For five out of nine institutions to score above 20 sets a
good standard that should be built upon.
Based on the scores, the most open public institution in 2017
is the Malawi Electoral Commission. The Commission won the
award in 2013 and 2014 and ought to continue this positive
trend as the country prepares for the 2019 Tripartite Elections.
The Commission’s Public Relations Officer responded to the
request for information in less than 24 hours and provided all
relevant information requested plus statements to support
the Commission’s position. The Commission scored 15/20 in
the website category and 18/20 in the request for information

Therefore, the Golden Key Award for the
most open public institution goes to the
Malawi Electoral Commission.

This study has shown that ministries and departments are
improving their online presence. All the nine institutions studied
have an online presence; this is a great improvement and one
way of promoting proactive disclosure.
MISA Malawi would therefore like to appeal to all public bodies to
explore ways of proactively disclosing information to the public.
Proactive disclosure is a key ATI principle and reduces pressure
on information holders. Few people request for information
when such information is already in the public domain.


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