Category 1: Website analysis




There is a great improvement in the online presence
of most institutions sampled this year.
All the nine public bodies analysed have a web
presence. Three institutions have both websites and
Facebook pages.
Five of the institutions only have websites, and three
only have Facebook pages.
Most content is up-to-date and shows great
improvement. The Ministry of Health, which scored 6
out of 20 points in the website analysis in 2016, has
moved up the ladder to 12 out of 20 points in 2017.
Some organisations appear to be online but it was
not easy to ascertain the currency and nature of
information on their sites. For example, Lilongwe City
Council has a Facebook page which, due to unknown
technical reasons, could not be accessed for several
weeks during this study.
It is still discouraging that some organisations
continue to upload content without sufficient
additional information, including the dates on which
the activities took place or materials were uploaded.
This is a problem as viewers cannot appreciate the
currency of the information.

Category 2: Requests for information



Of the nine government and public institutions
surveyed, seven responded to the written requests
for information. Some of the organisations requested
a telephone and/or face-to-face interview and asked
for justification from the researcher as to why the
information was needed.
Three of the organisations that responded to
the written requests for information, initially
acknowledged receiving the requests and promised
to get back to the researcher.
Four of the entities that responded to the requests
for information did so within 24 hours of receiving
the request.


Select target paragraph3