A model Freedom of Information Bill was shared with stakeholders - the media
industry, civil society and members of the public - and presented in Parliament
as a Private Member’s bill through a Member of Parliament who lost his seat in
the recently held elections. It was presented in Parliament and generated a great
deal of interest. However, the ruling party Members of Parliament who are in the
majority voted against the bill. They argued that the limitations in the draft Bill
were “not enough.”
MISA is waiting for the next Parliamentary sitting so that the process of engaging
with the new MPs on the Model FOI can be restarted.

The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment in the last two/three years?
Positive developments
• The receptivity of the courts to protect and uphold the rights of
• The growth of the opposition – there are now 20 opposition MPs in
the newly appointed Parliament. The calibre of MPs has improved and
there are more intellectually grounded people in Parliament.
• There has been greater unity in the media. Government was trying
to divide the media and get them to take positions, but instead, the
media decided to support each other.
• There is a sense of activism across the spectrum of media, especially
social media
Negative developments
• The Enactment of the Broadcasting Regulation – the Communications
Regulatory Act (BOCRA, 2012).
• The tendency of media organisations to break stories that have not
been checked – there is pressure to break stories because of the
• The prosecution of journalists under archaic laws, and the willingness
of the Executive to use them. The Executive was a bit more circumspect.
However the President announced that government would financially
support Cabinet Ministers and senior government officials’ lawsuits
against the media.
• Media houses are losing senior and experienced staff to the corporate
• Deepening tension between the President and the media.
• The harassment and intimidation of journalists by the DIS.



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