Editors are not always able to tell when journalists are practising self-censorship,
but a few of the editors on the panel said they realised that journalists sometimes
pulled back on certain stories, or that the final article was very different from the
idea that was presented at the editorial meeting. They realised that something
had happened, but it was not possible to tell what had happened during the
information gathering process.
“We had a solid story and we were going after these people, and then for some
reason my investigative reporter just pulled back on it and I still haven’t gotten
that story. It was initially my idea. It’s been two months and I’m still not getting
the story.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.2 (2005 = 2.5; 2007 = 2.4;
2009 =1.6; 2011 = 2.2)

4.7 Media professionals have access to training facilities offering formal qualification programmes as well
as opportunities to upgrade skills.
One of the most favoured training institutions is Limkongkwing - a Malaysian
based university also found in Swaziland and Lesotho. When it first started
operating the standards were considered high but they have declined over the
The University of Botswana offers two 4 year Bachelor’s Degree programmes,
Bachelor of Media Studies (BMS) and Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies (BAMS).
The two programmes emphasise production and theoretical aspects of print and
broadcast media. Government has cut its sponsorship for students in the arts;
thus the enrolment for these programmes is dropping.
There has been a general decline in standards across the board and most editors
felt it was difficult to find journalists who can construct proper sentences.
Newsroom personnel are unaware of the content of the curriculum being offered



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