The media practices high levels of
professional standards.
4.1 The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of accuracy and fairness.
The media sector has had a series of challenges with experienced media
professionals leaving the profession and going into public relations and
communications. Some feel they are not growing professionally, while others are
leaving because of their financial needs. Newsrooms are getting younger and so
are the editors. This lack of experience and depth comes through in the content.
Since there is no legal provision for access to information, journalists have to work
with limited information. Despite this, they are performing well.
“Many a times they have bright moments, but there are inconsistencies as well
and you are left wondering what the writer is trying to communicate.”
Panellists explained that when engaging with journalists, it becomes clear that
they focus on what they can sell and they are unwilling to admit when they make
mistakes. An inaccurate story will be the main headline, but the apology for these
inaccuracies very rarely appears on the front page.
“We are accurate but the situation makes you look biased. During elections we
worked to bring in political party representatives, but the ruling party declined
and then you look as though you are biased. They want to dictate their terms and
then they rebut or respond.”

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:



4.0 (2005 = 2.9; 2007 = 2.1;
2009 = 2.8; 2011 = 3.3)

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