“This was based on paranoia as people wouldn’t know if you were speaking
against government. Now people go through the education system and it’s
embedded in them, that it’s normal that other voices are not there.”
For a short interval, prior to the elections, the media landscape was altered
temporarily and different languages were heard on national radio stations, as
listeners and campaigners spoke on various issues.
Religious diversity is not promoted in Botswana which is “mainly a Christian
nation and now is fundamentalist Christian. There is intolerance of other religious
A number of other religions are practiced in Botswana, but their followers are in a
minority. There is hardly any programming geared towards these diverse religions.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.9 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a;
2009 = 1.3; 2011= 1.9)

2.9 Media cover the full spectrum of economic, cultural, political, social, national and local perspectives and
conduct investigative stories.
Investigative journalism has improved, but the stories that are being examined
continue to focus on urban-centred issues. Limited resources results in stories
with a narrow focus and confined to areas that are more easily accessible. In
recent months, investigative stories have focussed on the DIS.
“As the private press, it’s rare for us to send journalists out to report on other
matters; it’s expensive and we don’t have the resources to do so. For example,
when investigating CKGR [the eviction of the Basarwa people from the Central
Kalahari Game Reserve], we had to partner with a Dutch magazine to subsidise
our trip there. It affects what we write. Our coverage is mainly of Gaborone and
urban areas, looking at the topics of interest to those readerships. It leaves a



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