1.11 Media legislation evolves from meaningful consultations among state institutions, citizens and interest groups.
The government does not believe in engaging relevant stakeholders.
“They would rather go to kgotla3 meetings in the village, to consult, where no
one has a clue about the subject matter, so they can choreograph the process.”
When the Broadcasting Act was amended, there were processes of consultation
with stakeholders and issues were raised on community broadcasting and
regulation of state media. “To my dismay, none of these things that were discussed
were included in the Act. I wouldn’t say the consultations weren’t meaningful; it’s
a matter of implementation.”
During discussions on the Media Practitioners Act (MPA), “MISA was very active
and there were frantic efforts to mobilise the sector to lobby around contentious
clauses in the MPA. But we realised it was going to pass anyway.”
“I don’t know how much we are to blame. You have to be careful with
government; they will involve you so that they can say that they engaged you.
There is a high level of distrust now, between media and government, especially
private media.”
Just before the recent elections (2014), a radio station agreed to hold national
debates around the country with all the parties involved. The various parties
agreed and a schedule was approved by all the parties. Two weeks prior to the
scheduled national debates, the ruling party pulled out and admitted that they
had no intention of being part of the programme.



A kgotla is a public meeting, community council or traditional law court, especially in villages of Botswana, usually
referred to as a customary court. It is usually headed by the village chief or headman, and community decisions are
always arrived at by consensus. Anyone at all is allowed to speak, and no one may interrupt while someone is “having
their say”. In fact there is a Setswana saying that the highest form of war is dialogue (ntwa kgolo ke ya molomo).
Because of this tradition, Botswana claims to be one of the world’s oldest democracies.


Select target paragraph3