1.4 The Government makes every effort to honour
regional and international instruments on freedom of
expression and freedom of the media.
Botswana has signed or ratified several international and regional instruments such
as t the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and
the African Charter on Human and People’s Right, Declaration of Principles of
Freedom of Expression in Africa and the SADC Protocol on Culture, Information
and Sport, but it is yet to sign others such as the African Charter on Democracy,
Elections and Governance, the ACHPR Protocol on the Rights of Women and the
SADC Declaration on Gender and Development.
“They will agree to these declarations but when it comes to implementation they
are not serious”.
“The key word here is honour and this includes domestication. This can be difficult
as sometimes we don’t know whether they have signed these declarations.”
“Media freedom has not been a priority of the Botswana government, so I would
be surprised if they have ratified any of these declarations/protocols”.
“I think we have to ascertain whether or not government believes in the free
“I remember there was an issue with coming up with regulations regarding
coverage of elections in Botswana. The regulations were agreed upon and
then just before the 2004 elections, government pulled out. However, there is
something at a regional level which provides for coverage and to some extent I
don’t think we are really following that.”
Botswana has signed and ratified several key regional and international
instruments and protocols but “there is no discussion or awareness in the country
about these things. So maybe the government is not honouring or domesticating
these policies.”



Select target paragraph3