transport (two out of the four vehicles of TVM are out of service), and
equipment (when journalists can afford it, they buy their own equipment such
as cameras). Consequently, some events are no longer covered, unless the
journalist goes there on foot! What’s, the budget that is allocated is revealed
neither to the public nor to the industry professionals.
Private producers choose to broadcast through TVM, where they can buy
airtime at minimal cost, which they finance thanks to advertisements. The
operating principle is that TVM receives 60% and the private producer 40% of
the receipts. This form of corporate mismanagement is uncontrollable and
exponentially on the increase.

Individual scores:
1 Country does not meet indicator
2 Country meets only a few aspects of indicator

Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

1.4 (2012 = 1.5, 2010 = 1.1, 2008 = n/a,

2006 = n/a)

3.7 The state/public broadcaster offers diverse programming formats for all interests including local
con-tent and quality public interest programmes.
The television channel TVM has made great efforts to offer a wide variety of
programming, covering especially local Malagasy life. Local correspondents
do broadcasts dealing with the regions, in the local dialect.
However, the public State broadcaster does not organise enough shows that
focus on discussions and debates. Only a few such debate shows appear
sporadically during large international events. Society at large only benefits
from free television broadcasts on international days such as the Day for
Autism. In politics, always the same MP’s appear on the airwaves.
As far as quality is concerned, the question is relative. In the provinces (where often
only TVM and RNM are available), the phenomenon of “un-hooking” or interrupting,
affects viewers negatively. This is best explained as a system by which
11 Interactive programmes



Select target paragraph3