Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.7 (2012 = 4.6; 2010 = 4.0; 2008 = 3.5;
2006 = 3.0)

1.2 The right to freedom of expression is practised
and citizens, including journalists, are asserting their
rights without fear.
The pluralism of the Madagascan media ensures certain effectiveness in the
exercise of the rights of citizens and journalists to express themselves.
However, as far journalists are concerned, this freedom depends a lot on the
owners of media houses who retain a certain degree of control on treated
subjects and the context of the day. Thus, certain radio stations suspended
their call-in shows in 2013, broadcasts that allowed ordinary citizens to
directly participate and comment on the hot topics of the day.
Furthermore, the government’s behaviour complicates the gathering of
information. The announcement of the Prime Minister, Jean Ravelonarivo’s
resignation on08th April 2016 by the Office of the President, is a palpable
example. The news was reflected naturally in the media, whereas the Prime
Minister himself denied the resignation. A couple of days later, he retracted
his statement and confirmed his departure. This media confusion between
the Office of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister left the
media with no room to manoeuvre in order to sort through the different
versions and relay the correct information to the public. No public declaration
was made until the announcement of the formation of a new government by
TVM on the 15th of April 2016.
Similarly, in the case of Air Madagascar, in spite of the fact that the protection
provided by the Constitution should theoretically prevail over internal
regulations, the revelations by trade unions to the press were censored.

1 Malagasy State-owned television



Select target paragraph3