The way forward
1. What were the developments in the media
environment in the last three/four years?
The record drawn up by the panel of the past three years is rather negative
and regressive. The panel is of the opinion that the media are taking the road
of information blackmail. There is a clear deterioration in the media sector
due to a lack of regulation and control over journalists, which has opened the
way to abuse.
On the other hand, many technical improvements in multimedia have been
noticed in the collection, treatment of and quality of writing, sound and image.
The press has invested in the Internet and interactive shows have pushed the
media towards improvement. The diversification of programming has also
evolved positively with local shows enjoying preference. The print press has
exploded in the capital as well as in the provinces, at times to the detriment of
the quality of these publications.

2. What kinds of activities are needed over the next
3-4 years?
The panellists have proposed the following steps to be taken in the years to
come in order to improve the Malagasy media landscape:

Access to international broadcast networks to be democratised,
because international events interest everybody, especially the youth;


The private sector needs to become more professional, first of all
in order to attract investors, but also to normalise the exercise of
journalism as a profession;
A local standardisation and certification with a system of “ranking”
should be created, to highlight good practices
The youth should be made aware of the importance and
functioning of the media sector through activities such as
establishing a school newspaper;



The working conditions of journalists need to be improved since
the current conditions have a negative impact on work quality;
Either the HCA assumes its functions, or it should be replaced by
another organisation;
A self-regulatory body comprised of journalists and members of
civil society be established;
The relationship between the media and civil society should be
further developed;

The media should offer more educational content in their programming.


Select target paragraph3