are protected in editorial decisions.
Such interferences are seen as being justified by the size and vulnerability of the investment to which all editorial policies and concerns must come second.
Individual scores:

1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2

Average score:



Salary levels and general working conditions for journalists
and other media practitioners are adequate to discourage

There are different entry levels into the media in Malawi and different salary scales across media houses. These vary between Malawi
Kwacha 12,000 and 20,000 (the minimum cost of living after tax for
a five-member family currently stands at Malawi Kwacha 21,000).
For this reason, corruption is wide-spread. Journalists offer politicians to “kill” a story which could be damaging in return for money.
Some stories find their way into the media also for money or gifts
such as suits, cars or air tickets. A number of politicians have their
“poodles” in the media industry who are dressed, housed and fed
by them.
The situation is worsened by the bad examples set by government
which uses patronage in promotions of civil servants to create a
sympathetic following.


African Media Barometer - Malawi 2006

Select target paragraph3