
Citizens’ access to domestic and international media
sources is not restricted by state authorities.

There is a Censorship and Control of Entertainment Act in place that
empowers the Board of Censors to ban books and other publications, e.g. pornographic material.
In general, though, access to media sources is not restricted.
Individual scores:

3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3

Average score:



Efforts are undertaken to increase the scope of circulation
of the media, particularly to rural communities.

Circulation of printed material is concentrated in urban communities. Efforts at expanding circulation to the rural areas are usually
undertaken by civil society organisations and public libraries of human rights organisations: for example they regularly post clippings
of important stories on their notice boards.
The government Chichewa publication Boma Lathu is widely distributed in rural areas. The Nation is also working at making steady
progress in reaching rural communities although its cover price
makes the paper hardly affordable for rural people and delivery can
take up to five days.


African Media Barometer - Malawi 2006

Select target paragraph3