Developments since 2005 and the Way Forward
Positive developments in the media environment in the last two

The adoption of the Constitution, which guarantees both
freedom of expression and media freedom.


Increased public consciousness of the right to freedom of
expression and increased effort by the media to enable
people to exercise their right to freedom of expression.


The drafting of six new media bills, designed to introduce
freedom of information legislation, legislation establishing
a public broadcasting corporation and an independent broadcasting regulator, amend the Books and Newspaper Act
and replace the outdated Cinematography Act.


Increased editorial freedom and independence at the state
broadcasters, spearheaded by journalists willing to challenge
the status quo.


The resurrection of the media union with the launch of the
Media Workers’ Union of Swaziland (MWUS).


Increased salaries for media practitioners.

Negative developments in the media environment in the last two

The attempt by government to introduce statutory regulation
with the Media Commission Draft Bill 2007.

• Little improvement in media diversity. There have been just
two entrants to the media industry in the last two years: one

African Media Barometer - Swaziland 2007

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