As Code for Africa 2021 studies, co-authored with the Global Disinformation Index, found6,
'transparency about a newsroom's operations can be a key mechanism for building online user trust in
news sites by dispelling any concerns about conflicts of interest or shadow owners.'7
The absence of key operational policies that are easily accessible was highly correlated with sites that
were assessed as producing more sensational content, clickbait headlines and stories that negatively
targeted groups. 'Similar relationships between a site's operational integrity and the reliability of a
site's content emerge from the findings, particularly when sites in the sample were found to have clear
correction policies and processes as well as statements of editorial independence.' Implementing and
making available operational and editorial policies decreases news organisations' vulnerability to
information manipulation and erosion of trust.


Disinformation Risk Assessment: The Online News Market in Kenya, Global Disinformation Index, 2021
Media Market Risk Ratings: South Africa, Global Disinformation Index, Amanda Strydom, 2021

Cite this report as: Mwale et al, 'Transparency and trust: newsroom policies in Zambia', African Data and Democracy
Observatory, April 2023.



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