4.6 All journalists and editors do NOT practise selfcensorship
According to panellists, the tone and style of commentary and news reporting
have changed over the years as journalists become more aware of possible
reprisals for their work. After it was banned twice, panellists said they noticed a
change of tone with Mwananchi Communications, which publishes the Citizen
and its sister Swahili newspaper, Mwananchi, newspapers known for critical
reporting. Self-censorship is widespread. ‘There are certain stories I will not
approach with a ten-foot pole,’ said a journalist in the panel. ‘Some personalities
have disappeared from my pieces.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:










2006: 2.1; 2008: 2; 2010: 1.5; 2012: 1.8; 2015: 2.3

4.7 Media professionals have access to training
facilities offering formal qualification programmes
as well as opportunities to upgrade skills
Many opportunities exist for journalism training in Tanzania. Some universities
that offer degrees in journalism include: The University of Dar es Salaam, St.
Augustine University of Tanzania, Tumaini University (both Dar es Salaam and
Iringa Colleges), Muslim University of Morogoro and Open University of Tanzania.
In addition to universities, an increasing number of colleges offer non-graduate
diplomas and certificates in journalism. However, panellists said the quality of
training students receive could be improved. It was stated that most university
lecturers have never practised journalism and have no experience in news writing
and news gathering.
Other opportunities are found outside the school system. Daily News, the staterun newspaper, frequently sends journalists to China thanks to a partnership
with the Chinese government. Organisations like UNESCO have been involved
in training and mentoring community radios and are building partnerships
with journalism schools to develop e-learning programmes. Other major actors
include BBC Media Action, which is involved in media development in Tanzania.



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