1.5 Print publications are not required to obtain
permission to publish from state authorities
It is illegal in Tanzania to publish a newspaper and other forms of print media
without first obtaining a licence from a government authority. The licensing
requirement is extended to the sale, distribution, importation and production
of print media throughout the country. The law empowers the Director of
Information Services Department or its representative to reject applications that
do not comply with licensing requirements and equally, to suspend or cancel
licences ‘in the event of failure of a licensee to comply with the prescribed
conditions of a license’.12 Newspaper licensing conditions are spelt out in Sections
7 through to 16 of the Media Services Regulations (2017). It states that a licence
shall be renewed annually, and applicants are required to pay both an initial and
an annual licence renewal fee (Sections 12 & 13).
Panellists said the licensing system was designed to maintain government control
over the print media, mainly through the arbitrary use of its powers to deny,
suspend or withdraw licences. They felt that the yearly renewal requirement
allowed the government to have a permanent noose around the neck of print
media to keep them in check. ‘Once a newspaper is licensed, the government
keeps an eye on that publication,’ said one panellist. ‘If after operating you look
bad, it becomes hard to renew your licences.’
The authorities have suspended newspaper licences several times over the past
years, according to panellists, news reports and NGO sources. Notable examples
include Mawio, (banned for two years in 2017) and Mseto (banned for three
years in 2016). In 2018, the EACJ overturned the decision by the authorities
to suspend Mseto’s licence, saying that the ban was ‘arbitrary and whimsical’,
according to a news article by the NGO Media Legal Defence Initiative.13 Panellists
said the authorities have ignored the decision and several other court rulings
which overturned licence bans.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:






2006: n/a; 2008: n/a; 2010: 1; 2012: 1.5; 2015: 1.2

1.6 Confidential sources of information are protected



Select target paragraph3