At this point, it is not very clear if the switch to digital migration has been successful or not as it
seems like there is no difference since both analogue and digital systems are working
simultaneously. There have been reservations from private broadcaster as to how government
arrived at awarding ZNBC the signal distributor license since it is also a content provider.
Many fear direct government interference in their broadcasting through ZNBC. If, for example,
TV station X is perceived to be anti-government or perceived to be supporting an opposition
political party, then it will be easy for government to interfere in their broadcasting by frustrating
or cutting off their signal and blame the interruption on faulty equipment or lack of electricity.
The Information and Broadcasting Minister announced in parliament that ZNBC would be the
signal distributor as an interim measure because of the time and resources it would take for a
private company to set up as signal distributor. He did not specify how long the “interim” period
will be since ZNBC had been given a full license that should run for 10 years. The policy allows
for two signal distributors; a public signal distributor and a private signal distributor and
government needs to be clear on the path we will take so that private broadcasters know how to
One great opportunity that comes of this is that there will be need for local content development.
This will give local production houses an opportunity to be producing content for sale to
broadcasting houses. In fact, government will set up a Content Development Fund to ensure
development of local content as broadcasters need to comply with having 35% local content.

2.3.2 Kambwili justifies journalist beatings
Officiating at the commemoration of World Press Freedom Day, Information Minister Chishimba
Kambwili told journalists that cadres were beating them up because they were continuously
writing negative stories on President Edgar Lungu.
The following is an extract from Mr. Kambwili’s key note speech;
“I will be failing in my duties if I do not respond to the concerns that were raised by your
organising committee chairperson. I will start with the most controversial one, beating up of
journalists. Let me say that whatever the circumstance, there is absolutely no reason why
people should harass and beat journalists. On behalf of the government, and indeed on my own
behalf, I wish to condemn in strongest terms the attitude by some political party cadres whether
from PF, UPND, MMD or any political party to continue harassing journalists when they come to
cover events.
“Having said that, let me say that the media also must be responsible enough and observe the
ethics of journalism. You must realize that these cadres are only human beings who also have
feelings and when you act in a manner that is against your own ethics, they are bound to react,
although this reaction must not be encouraged. It must be condemned. Surely, there are some

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