NAMIBIA 5. Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture CATEGORY 1: WEBSITE The website is not very informative, nor is it up to date with current affairs or news feeds. The website is organised and contact details are available. n = 20 Yes No Partial Additional Information s 1. Does this website contain up to date information? 2. Does the website contain the following: s a) A description of its powers, as well as data on the organisational structure, the functions, and the responsibilities of the administration? b) A list of laws, Acts etc. issued within the scope of its powers? s c) Reports, policies, programs? s d) Budget and expenditure? s e) Information about procurement procedures, signed contracts? s f) Vacancy and employment procedures? s Employment procedures unavailable g) The name and address, telephone number, and the working hours of the respective institution? s The name and job titles of employees are not provided with the telephone numbers, nor are there working hours h) The contact details of public officials? s i) A mechanism to request and receive a response to electronic messages and requests for information? s Total Score: 8/20 CATEGORY 2: REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION The following questions were sent to the Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture 1. How does the ministry aim to reduce youth unemployment during the 2014/15 budget year? 2. How do you involve the youth when developing strategic plans, policies and action plans? 3. Who is your main target for youth programmes – urban or rural youth? 4. What are the main youth development projects? 5. How do you ensure that gender equality measures are understood and implemented by project coordinators? (Note: Information was obtained orally; staff were very friendly and helpful. Interview took place with Mr Andrew Jules) n = 20 Yes No 1. Is there an official designated to take and respond to information requests? (Please state title of officials in ‘Additional Information’) s Aina Shikoshe, Public Relations Officer 2. Did the institution reply within 21 days? (If less than 7 please state in ‘Additional Information’) s They replied immediately and granted the researcher an interview in two days 3. Did the Institution respond to a request for information? s s 4. Does the authority publish their procedures for dealing with information requests? 5. Did the institution provide all of the information requested? (If partially please mark ‘No’, indicate in ‘Additional Information’ how much of the information requested was supplied) 64 Additional Information s