MOZAMBIQUE FATIMA Mimbire, a female researcher and human rights defender received death threats via Facebook. The threat began after she took up an active role in the Centre for Public Integrity’s (CIP) campaign against the Mozambique government seeking to repay loans it acquired illegally and secretly. FATIMA Mimbire There was a smear campaign aimed at Fátima on social media in an attempt to further intimidate her and delegitimise her work. The campaign against Mimbire was vile, with allegations that she was in inappropriate relations with funding partners. Following the threats, the online publication, Club of Mozambique began an online petition seeking the intervention of the country’s President Felipe Nyusi. The smear campaign followed exposure of inappropriate expenditure by the government. The petition sought to have the President reiterate his and the country’s commitment to freedom of expression and to ensure Mimbire’s safety. NAMIBIA THE NBC journalist Blanche Goroses suffered violent rape and murder threats online following the 2019 general elections. Namibia has one of the freest media environments in the world and the Goroses case sparked organisations to take action. The Internet Society (Namibia Chapter) was at the forefront of BLANCHE Goreses 14 raising awareness on the issue. The State of Press Freedom in Southern Africa Report also documented a case where a female journalist reported incidents where images of empty coffins were sent to her on Facebook Messenger after her newspaper published an article she wrote. The ISOC campaign, which also included female media workers and celebrities saw victims of online gender-based violence recounting their experiences, with most testimonies reflecting on how the comments were derogatory about the females’ bodies or sexuality and this had forced them to reduce their online presence.