allocation plan

designation of


No. 34

(a) governing the allocation, assignment and use of frequencies;
(b) defining the standard assignment conditions of a frequency
spectrum licence;
(b) governing the prevention of harmful interference with other
frequency spectrum users; and
(c) establishing minimum performance standards of electronic
appliances with regard to manufacture, import, sale, shipment
and use of such appliances.
82.__(1) The Authority shall develop and manage a national
frequency allocation plan.
(2) The national frequency allocation plan shall__

(a) be divided into a number of frequency bands that the
Authority shall deem appropriate for the purpose of regulating
communications under this Act;
(b) designate one or more bands to be used primarily by the
government for national security matters;
(c) specify the general purpose for which any other band may
be used; and
(d) include such other matters as the Authority shall deem
necessary to give full effect to the national frequency allocation

(3) The Authority may, in consultation with licensees, revise,
vary, suspend or revoke the national frequency allocation plan, and
shall issue a public notice to that effect.
83.__(1) The Authority may designate bands of frequency
spectrum to be used under a frequency spectrum licence, as well as
bands of frequency spectrum to be used without a frequency
spectrum licence.

(2) A person shall not undertake any activity that requires a
frequency spectrum licence without first obtaining the appropriate
licence from the Authority.

(3) where an activity does not require a frequency spectrum
licence, the Authority shall assign a frequency to a person in
accordance with the national frequency allocation plan and in a
transparent and non-discriminatory manner.

(4) where the Authority reasonably considers that a frequency
band should be subject to a restricted granting procedure, the
Authority shall not assign that frequency band except in accordance
with a restricted granting procedure to be set out by the Authority.

Select target paragraph3