Registration of
co-location and
relating to


No. 34

72. A co-location and infrastructure sharing agreement reached
pursuant to this Part shall be submitted to the Authority for
registration within fourteen working days from the date the
agreement was signed by all the parties, and such agreement shall
be open to inspection by the public at the premises of the Authority.
73.__(1) The Authority may, at the request of any party to an
interconnection agreement, an access to electronic communication
networks agreement, or a co-location and infrastructure sharing
agreement, intervene in order to resolve a dispute which__
(a) relates to the interconnection agreement, the access to
electronic communication networks agreement, or the co-location
and infrastructure sharing agreement; and
(b) has not, within two months of it arising, been resolved by
the parties.
(2) The Authority shall issue rules providing for the procedures
for resolving disputes relating to interconnection agreements, access
to electronic communication networks agreements, and co-location
and infrastructure sharing agreements.

Setting or
revision of

Justification for
tariff setting or


74.__(1) Subject to this Act, a licensee may, with prior approval
of the Authority, set or revise the tariffs for the services that it
provides to the public.

(2) A licensee shall set or revise tariffs under this section, based
on justifiable economic reasons.

(3) The setting or revision of tariffs by the licensee pursuant to
subsection (1) shall__
(a) be transparent, based on objective criteria and non-discriminatory;
(b) guarantee equal treatment;
(c) not contain discounts that unreasonably prejudice the
competitive opportunities of other licensees providing application services to the public; and
(d) be sufficiently clear to enable end-users to determine the
description of the service, the details relating to the nature of the
service and the applicable fees.
75.__(1) A licensee shall__
(a) when seeking approval to set or revise tariffs under section
74, give a detailed justification of such tariffs; and

Select target paragraph3