
No. 34

(a) be vested with the legal ownership of spectrum on behalf of
the Republic of Malawi;
(b) grant licences for the provision of communications
(c) protect the interests of consumers, purchasers and other
users of communications services;
(d) promote access to information and the development of
human resources in the communications sector;
(e) promote efficiency and competition among entities engaged
in the provision of communications services or in the supply of
communication equipment;
(f) encourage the introduction of new technology and
communications services in accordance with recognized
international standards and applicable international law;
(g) promote research and development in communications
(h) foster the development of communication service technologies in accordance with recognized international standards and
applicable international law;
(i) advise the government on policy issues relating to the
communications sector;
(j) monitor the activities of licensees to ensure compliance with
the Act and the terms and conditions of their licences;
(k) establish a type approval regime for terminal equipment or
any other electronic equipment;
(l) collect and publish information with respect to communications services;
(m) develop and publish technical standards for regulated
communications goods and services;
(n) receive and investigate complaints relating to communications services and to take the necessary action;
(o) carry out projects to promote the development of the
communications sector;
(p) provide technical support and represent the government at
international communications fora;
(q) ensure compliance with national and international communications standards and obligations laid down by international
communication agreements and treaties to which Malawi is a
party and to issue certificates of compliance in relation thereto;
(r) ensure the safety and quality of service for communications

Select target paragraph3