
No. 34

“electronic communications market” means an area of activity
identified by the Authority, as constituting a single market within
the communications technology sector;

“electronic communications network” means transmission
systems and, where applicable, switching or routing equipment
and other resources that permit the conveyance of signals by wire,
radio, optical or other electronic means;

“electronic communications numbering” means a number, sign
or other mark that an electronic communications licensee, in the
delivery of electronic communications services, uses to identify
electronic communications facilities in order to connect between
the place of transmission and the place of reception, or identify
the type of content or transmission that the electronic communications facility is to deliver;

“electronic communications services” means a service
provided by one or more electronic communications network;

“essential facilities” means facilities of an electronic
communications network or service that__
(a) are exclusively or predominantly provided by a single or
limited number of suppliers; and
(b) are economically or technically difficult to substitute or
duplicate in order to provide a service;

“exempted licensee” means a licensee who is exempted from
certain conditions in order to operate its activities;

“exempted service” means a licensed service for which certain
conditions and fees are not required by the Authority in order for
the service provider to commence its operations;

“facility services” means any services comprising electronic
communication infrastructure, including earth station, fixed links
and cables, radio communication transmitters and links, satellite
hubs, satellite control station, submarine cables, and cable
landing station;

“frequency” means electromagnetic waves of radio
communications frequencies propagated in space without
artificial guide;

“frequency allocation” means the reservation of one or more
radio frequency bands for a particular use or uses;

“frequency assignment” means the reservation of one or more
radio frequencies for use by a particular entity in accordance with
the national frequency plan;

Select target paragraph3