of media debates. Directly related to the media however, the quarter under review recorded a
number of attacks and harassment of journalists. Prominent, was the attack on two Daily Mail
journalists whilst covering the Katuba bye-election.
In the period under review, Press Freedom and freedom of expression were under threat with the
Police attacking radio stations by storming into studios. There were also threats by government
officials specifically the Police command directing all Police Commissioners to deal with abusers
of freedoms. The problem with this directive is that it has potential to be abused by the Police
The continued incarceration of Derrick Sinjela, the News Editor for a publication called “The New
Vision Newspaper” also made headlines in the period under review and calls for his pardon were
It should be noted that the third quarter of the year 2019 also scored some victories.
Arguably one of the biggest news received during the period under review were calls for the
merging of the ZNBC and IBA Acts of 2010 to transform ZNBC into a true public broadcaster.
Another success recorded during the period under review was the imprisonment of two (2)
juveniles that attacked a journalist and robbed him of his laptop, phone and money. In passing
judgement, High Court Judge Kelvin Limbani ordered the two Grade 12 scholars to reform and
become better citizens.
Generally, however, the period under review recorded more violations of media freedoms than
4.0 Findings – Overview
The media in the period under review was dominated by debates around the welfare of journalists;
the attacks, harassment and how to improve their conditions of service.
The period under review was also dominated by debates of transforming ZNBC into a true Public
Broadcaster by merging the ZNBC and IBA Acts of 2010. Proponents of the move like MISA
Zambia are resolved that when achieved, the move will allow ZNBC to be regulated by IBA and


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