The paper reported that
The Free Press Initiative (FPI) says it will engage Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo
and all political parties to ensure a commitment is made to the protection of journalists where
ever they are deployed to carry out their works.
FPI founder Joan Chirwa said the organisation had learnt with deep sadness the attack on
Zambia Daily Mail journalists Steven Mvula and Jack Zimba by political party cadres during
the Katuba by elections on Tuesday.
The paper further quoted Ms. Chirwa saying:
The attackers according to the information we have received, even grabbed a camera and
other valuables from the journalists. The fact that the two had a camera should have rung
bells in the minds of these known cadres that their victims are journalists who were there only
to do their job. We are happy to hear that President Edgar Lungu has condemned the attack
but what we ask is quick movement to ensure those behind this barbaric act are arrested and
The paper added that:
The FPI reiterates that leaving the cadres to get away with such acts would encourage them
to continue with this behaviour which might even get worse as the country heads towards the
2021 general elections.
Safety of Journalists should be a priority among all political parties and to this end, the FPI
will engage Minister of Home Affairs Mr Stephen Kampyongo and all political parties to
ensure a commitment is made to the protection of journalists’ where ever they are deployed to
carry out their works.
To date the perpetrators of the violence against the two journalists from Daily Mail have not been
arrested to stand trial and the issue as died a natural death.

5.0. Freedom of Expression Online – Mainstream Media/Cyber Space
Freedom of expression refers to the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas without fear or
restriction from surveillance, censorship or laws silencing dissent. As people turn to various media as a way


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