Cybersecurity and Cybercrime
Laws in the SADC Region

Our key informants observed that there is need
for CSOs to invest heavily on understanding
the provisions of domestic laws, Model Laws
and the Declaration. This can take the form of
holding capacity building workshops around
cybersecurity and cybercrime issues and their
impact on digital rights. The use of popular,
traditional and digital media to popularise model
laws and national legislation on cybersecurity
and cybercrimes was also emphasised.

strategies include: lobbying parliamentarians
to amend problematic provisions of the
cybersecurity and cybercrime laws, showing
of solidarity when digital rights violations occur
and using Model Laws and the Declaration in
such campaigns, advocacy by CSO to demand
from government and telecommunication
companies’ transparency reports on throttling
of the Internet and Internet shutdowns, advocacy
by CSOs, advocacy by CSOs to demand from data
controllers and processors transparency reports
on search warrants requested and issued

Strategic litigation was also mentioned as one of
the options, whereby public interest lawyers are
engaged to test the constitutionality of certain
problematic provisions of the enacted and
proposed legislation. Some of the possible advocacy


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