including the arrest and harassment of members. ‘Its leadership has gone to
bed with politicians,’ remarked one panellist, ‘and in so doing compromised its
authority and independence. The Guild of Editors, on its part, operates like an
exclusive club of elite members.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:
Score of previous years:








2008: 4.6; 2011: 4.3; 2015: 4

4.5 Journalists and media houses have integrity and
are not corrupt
Without hesitation, one panellist said, ‘The Nigerian journalist, with hardly an
exception, lacks integrity and is corrupt, in the same way as the country is.’
It came out of discussions that journalists at all levels are happy to accept bribes
and favours from public officials and institutions in exchange for good press.
Some news organisations have signed partnerships agreements with state
governments under which they receive periodic sums of money and produce
‘patronised’ or sponsored stories in exchange. ‘The Nigerian media has lost its
integrity,’ one panellist said, adding that:
Journalists have been severely compromised and the practice of
commissioned stories22 is normal. Journalists without exception ask for
some form of gratification before stories are published.
According to another panellist:
Brown envelope journalism is a big deal. Journalists do not accept bribes
because of economic reasons, as some claim, but because they are part
of the corruption culture in the country. They want to live bigger than
their reality.
Major media houses have been working to change the disrepute. Publications
like the Punch, Daily Trust and the Guardian have internal anti-corruption
regulations. Some publish public notices urging event organisers and members
of the public not to give their journalists money. ‘But it’s a drop in the ocean,’
said a panellist.




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